Australian Boxing

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About Boxing

Amateur Boxing

Boxing is a stand-up combat sport where fighters use gloved fists to punch the front and sides of the upper body of their opponent. The fight or bout takes place in a square ring and is held over a number of rounds. The winner is determined by judges decision or by knockout. A knockout is the term used when one fighter can not continue, or it considered unsafe to do so by the referee, doctor or coaches.


There are many gyms across the country dedicated to the art. They range from the back yard shed through to modern day gyms with extensive facilities. Gyms are not an area that you can judge a book by its cover however. There are world champions coming out of certain back yards. If you’re looking for a place to train for yourself or your kids be sure to look beyond the bling. Talk to the coaches, learn about other fighters that train there.

It is common to find gyms catering to all levels from beginner through to elite. Beginners will often start out in group classes where the fundamentals can be taught. Gyms with several fighters that compete regularly may also have dedicated competition or fighter classes during the week. These are by invitation only in most gyms and you’ll need to earn the right to train with the fighters.


Gyms affiliated with their respective state association under Boxing Australia have pathways available for amateur boxers. By competing in certain tournaments, boxers can earn the opportunity to join state and national teams. These can lead to selection for World Championships and the Olympic Games.There are also development opportunities available for upcoming talent.

In addition, other organisations also provide varying levels of competition ranging from local, through to state and national titles.