Boxing Gyms

Boxing Gyms provide a place, the equipment, coaching and an atmosphere for aspiring boxers to learn their craft. From beginner to amateur to pro, there's a gym for all levels of boxer. Chances are there's one near you. Take the time to learn more about your local boxing gyms on Read the reviews, and visit each one you're considering and have a chat with the coaches. Each place will have a different feel, each coach a different style, each group of boxers a range of personalities, sizes and ages. It's important that it feels right for you and that the gym can assist you in achieving your goals. Sometimes it'll be your local, other times you'll need to travel. What ever the case, understand what you're looking for before you visit and find one that works for your needs. Chances are you will need some basic equipment to start. Usually at a minimum you'll need hand wraps, although some clubs also require you to have you own gloves. Popular Areas

  • Adelaide Boxing Gyms
  • Brisbane Boxing Gyms

Boxing Gyms in Australia